Strategic Committees

Strategic Planning

The strategic planning committee sets and monitors annual priorities derived from the IEL’s three year strategic plan. 

Mark Robeck, Chair
Golden Pass LNG Terminal LLC
Houston, TX

Tina Q. Nguyen, Vice Chair
Baker Botts L.L.P.
Houston, TX


The programs committee reviews IEL conferences and events for quality, attractiveness and timeliness, reviews new programs proposed by other committees, and provides advice to program organizers.

Tod Everage, Chair
Kean Miller LLP
New Orleans, LA
J.T. Nesser, Vice Chair
Shell USA, Inc.
Houston, TX


Robert Brannon, Chair
Houston, TX

Membership & Development

The membership & development committee both recruits new members of the IEL and reviews the existing membership structure to ensure its continued relevance and attractiveness.

Michelle Scheffler, Co-Chair
Haynes and Boone, LLP
Houston, TX
Lauren Woodard, Co-Chair
Shell Oil Company
Houston, TX

Academic Outreach

The academic outreach committee focuses on the IEL’s law school members, other academics, and law students, seeking ways to promote the teaching of energy law, and the choice of energy law as a career.

Eric Camp, Chair
Decker Jones, PC
Fort Worth, TX
Prof. Joseph A. Schremmer, Vice Chair
The University of Oklahoma College of Law
Norman, OK

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee leads IEL’s efforts to build and maintain a diverse and inclusive community and to provide opportunities for diverse professionals within IEL and the profession.

At the end of 2020, the Committee proposed a pledge for leaders of the Institute for Energy Law to confirm their support of IEL’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts.

The pledge is voluntary, but it is the hope of the committee that it will receive strong support from IEL leaders and members. The full text of the pledge is below. If you would like to virtually sign IEL’s Diversity Pledge, you may do so here.

In my role at the Institute for Energy Law ("IEL"), I recognize and value the benefits that diversity brings to IEL. Therefore, I am committed to IEL's goal of advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in IEL's membership and the greater energy legal profession. I will strive to expand the inclusion of diverse lawyers within IEL by advocating for more opportunities in leadership roles and as Advisory Board members, speakers, and presenters. I am further committed to fostering a trusting and open environment for discussing diversity, equity, and inclusion to promote these goals.

Jana L. Grauberger, Chair
Liskow & Lewis
Houston, TX
Laura Springer Brown, Vice Chair
New Orleans, LA
Phyllis Y. Young, Vice Chair
Houston, TX