About Us
The Institute for Law Enforcement Administration (ILEA) mission is to improve the quality of justice by developing law enforcement leaders and practitioners through premier professional education and technical support.
The Institute for Law Enforcement Administration believes in the following values:
Continuing and advancing education that promotes outstanding police leadership and a learning organization.
Recognizing that the continued improvement of the law enforcement profession is built upon the willingness and ability of leaders to understand the past and to create a culture that encourages the development of new ideas for the future.
Constantly cultivating a sense of how positive change in policing must occur into the future.
Promoting, practicing and reinforcing the concept of legitimacy, internally, to and through our numerous stakeholders.
Promoting the nobility of good policing and an ethical view of decision making in a policing environment.
Recognizing that each of us, our staff, our learners and our communities are special and unique and knowing that all have the capacity to contribute in their own unique manner.
A Vision
The Institute for Law Enforcement Administration (the ILEA) is the premier provider of professional education and technical support to the law enforcement community. Relying upon a dedicated staff, an emphasis on ethical decision-making, and having the ability to adapt to a changing environment, ILEA delivers visionary professional education that prepares law enforcement leaders to thrive in times of calm and in times of crisis.
The ILEA team includes a strong mix of academically trained facilitators, real world decision-makers and individuals who have applied theory to practice in the fast paced environment of law enforcement. This team is constantly scanning the law enforcement horizon to glean the newest and most innovative ideas that will promote visionary leadership. ILEA staff is a strong advocate in promoting systemic and catalytic thinking. All are experienced and dedicated professionals.
A cornerstone of ILEA education and technical support is the continuing emphasis on developing ethical law enforcement leaders. Ethical concepts are included in all of the work accomplished by the ILEA team, whether teaching ethics train-the-trainer, law enforcement supervisors, or the top leaders in law enforcement. Because of the awesome power authorized for law enforcement personnel in a democratic society, ethical decision-making is a topic incorporated into all ILEA education.
The law enforcement environment of the 21st century is in constant change. At the Institute for Law Enforcement Administration, the staff is constantly preparing to find and instruct in best practices and to promote the use of technology that will maximize efficient and effective law enforcement administration in our nation and throughout the world. We continually strive to deliver timely, accurate and cutting edge education and technical support. The Institute for Law Enforcement Administration serves as a leader in policing education around the world.