Online Education
Published by the Institute for Energy Law
- The Oil and Gas Reporter was published from 1952-2017. It was a loose leaf, regularly updated collection of U.S. cases of relevance to the oil and gas practitioner, with commentary from members of the IEL’s Board of Editors, who were leading scholars and practitioners of national reputation. The Reporter served as a preeminent source of information for not only oil and gas practitioners, but also jurists who decide oil and gas cases..
- Proceedings of the Institute on Oil & Gas Law
Published annually, the Proceedings is a compilation of the papers presented at the Annual Oil & Gas Conference that year.
Published by the Institute for Transnational Arbitration and Oxford University Press Publications
- The Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal at 25: The Cases Everyone Needs to Know for Investor-State & International Arbitration
Published papers originally prepared for presentation at the annual ITA-ASIL Conference, The Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal, in Washington, D.C. March 2006.
- The Future of Investment Arbitration
Published papers originally prepared for presentation at the annual ITA-ASIL Conference, The Future of Arbitration Involving States, in Washington, D.C. March 2007.
Published by the Institute for Law Enforcement Administration
- Roll Call
An electronic publication dedicated to supporting the nobility of policing by creation of a dedicated forum to discuss ethical issues that permeate policing.
- The Challenge to LEAD
In commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of The Institute for Law Enforcement Administration, a collection of five original articles were published as The Challenge to Lead: Issues in Law Enforcement Leadership.
- Journal of Law Enforcement Leadership and Ethics
A peer reviewed publication to advance the thinking and practice of police leaders.
Published by the Institute for Transnational Arbitration
- ITA Arbitration Report
The ITA Arbitration Report is a free email subscription service available at, delivering timely reports on awards, cases, legislation and other current developments from over 60 countries, organized by country, together with reports on new treaty ratifications, new publications and upcoming events around the globe.
- ITA in Review
ITA in Review, ITA’s e-journal, offers scholarly articles, practical analyses, book reviews, short comments and multimedia presentations on key developments in the field of international dispute resolution, together with information on developments within the ITA community.
Published by the Institute for Energy Law
- Energy Law Advisor
The IEL’s online newsletter, is published four times each year, and contains short articles of interest to members as well as industry and members’ news. - The Energy Dispatch
The Energy Dispatch, the IEL’s Young Energy Professional newsletter, contains substantive articles on trending legal issues in the energy industry. The publication is managed by the YEP Newsletter Subcommittee, with the editorial responsibilities rotating to a different member each issue. - Oil & Gas E-Report
The Oil & Gas E-Report is a quarterly newsletter that began in 2018. It contains articles of current interest to oil and gas practitioners and is assembled by a geographically diverse group of editors from private practice, in-house, and academia. This e-publication is the successor to IEL’s print publication, the Oil and Gas Reporter, which was published from 1952-2017.
Published by: The Southwestern Institute for International and Comparative Law
- The Southwestern Institute for International and Comparative Law Newsletter
The online newsletter includes news about the SWIICL, its members, and about substantive law developments around the world.
Published by the Institute for Transnational Arbitration
- ITA News & Notes
The ITA members’ newsletter, consisting of short articles of interest, news about members and contains the Scoreboard of Adherence to Transnational Arbitration Treaties.
- Young ITA Newsletter
This Newsletter is designed to keep Young ITA members in touch, abreast of the latest developments in international arbitration, and aware of the opportunities Young ITA has to offer.
Online Forums
Published by the Institute for Energy Law
- IEL Forum
The IEL’s online forum on LinkedIn provides a facility for the exchange of information among the world’s energy lawyers on developments, news and current topics.
Published by the Institute for Transnational Arbitration
- ITA Latin American Arbitration Forum (ITAFOR)
ITAFOR is a primarily Spanish-Portuguese language listserv designed to foster discussion on arbitration and ADR topics pertinent to Latin America. As a listserv, it is an easy-to-use medium available to all who have email.
- ITA Legal Educators Listserv (ITA-LEL)
ITA-LEL promotes the exchange of information and opinions on different pedagogical approaches, innovative teaching techniques and other topics relevant to the instruction of international dispute resolution.
Research and Reports
Published by the Institute for Law Enforcement Administration